Coming out as a writer
On March 13, 2014 by Moonlit KnightI didn’t know that coming out as a writer would be so difficult or so scary or so mentally and physically draining.
Originally I wasn’t going to do it so soon. I was going to write more posts actually relating to the theme of the site, get a bit more content in.
But then, what started as a little bit of fun escalated.
I’d just finished yesterdays post.Looked at it and was pleased with it.
I thought – not bad actually. It said what I wanted to say. The writing of it had actually clarified a couple of issues for me. It gave a little advice and managed to even fit in a bit of my own personal philosophy.
Yes, I was feeling smug. I felt like a writer.
To celebrate I thought I’d have a little joke on my Twitter account. Only one follower and she’s a friend. The idea was to have me declare myself a writer and be congratulated by my main account.
But I couldn’t get it to work. I was answering my own tweet with the wrong account and I couldn’t make it look like a proper conversation so I gave up. That will learn me, I’ve had it a year and really only used it to follow so I’m a beginner at tweeting. But in my defence I had imagined it would be simple.
Is it just me being stupid or does anybody else find this a most annoyingly difficult program to learn to use?
(Aside: Not only am I now learning to write I’m learning the art of publicity too. This could be more fun than I first thought.)
I still wanted to do it though and I’ve also got two facebook accounts. Even I could manage this on facebook.
Moonlit Knight: Today is the day I become a writer
Philip Dyer: Hi MK so congrats are in order yes? Doesn’t declaring it like that sound pretty smug 🙂
(Had to add the smiley didn’t want my other account to seem to harsh)
Moonlit Knight: Hi Phil long time no see. ha ha yes I’m feeling very smug at the moment. Didn’t say I was a good writer though and it’s only a blog.
And done: Or so I thought.
Now I have a tendency to either jump into something with both feet or become the world’s worst procrastinator. Both have a time and place – but I often get it wrong.
But I am really sure now this is both feet time.
And I have an audience right here.
It would be nice to have some readers right in on the start.
Scary, but I must confess to a being a bit of a showman and the statement “Today is the day I become a writer.” is definitely a dramatic entrance too good to waste.
But it’s easy to be a bit of a showman with family and friends, but complete strangers?
And most of my friends on this account are complete strangers. I started it to somehow fit in with my site but then used it mainly to play the facebook games. Nearly everyone here is because of that. Then when I gave up playing it became rather neglected, I didn’t use it for anything socially much.
So I use my other account to ease me in.
I write the link, I take a deep breath and press enter.
I really didn’t expect that preview just a little link. Yes, I know now I could have just removed the preview – but I panicked.
The tagline did look a bit pretentious and I hate pretentiousness in others. The last thing I want to look is pretentious. If I ever show any sign of that – have a word in my ear.
So I used my other account to try and defuse the situation and wonder what to do. Ah yes bring in the old tagline – that could be useful.
That done only a couple more posts to wrap it up.
I felt actually exhausted, I was very glad nobody else commented, I couldn’t face any questions so I just cut and run.
But at least it was done and I could take a rest.
And yes the old tagline was more like me so I changed it back even though It’s made a complete mess of the top layout. I have a couple of niggles about that anyway so it looks like I must get my technical hands dirty.
Changing the tagline does have another benefit – it’s clarified that I shall write as me not as the character as I was originally going to do.
The silver in the knight’s hair is not all moonlight, on closer inspection the armour is battered and slightly tarnished but he is still a knight, a knight still on a quest.
Finally braved going back to facebook. After all that I had nothing to worry about. Two likes that came from the first post. And nothing new. Most probably not seen by anybody else.
I am kind of disappointed. I was quite hoping somebody would have noticed the duplicity. The other day uploaded the same photos to both accounts and used one as my new profile picture on my main account.
The lack of notice is no problem. I am going to be busy using the account to update when I do a post that is relevant to my theme.
As most of these friends are gameplayers I may be writing about that they are interested in. I do expect a mass exodus though. Thinking about it I may have to start it – some of these players may well be children and some of my posts will not have suitable content.
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