I get up I get down I get up I get down
On March 6, 2014 by Moonlit KnightWell – Yesterday was pretty much the same as Monday so I thought today I’d being doing my first normal post today – but plans of mice and men and all that.
A new development. Woke up, made my first cup of coffee and then had to wonder how many others I had already had. Wired I think was the word I thought of.
Concentration shot, I couldn’t even do my Viking Clan session in one go, but bundles of energy. Must be something to do with the tailing off of the Steroids.
Upsides. All those little niggling jobs around the place that I never seemed to have time to do. Sorted. Plenty of gentle exercise.
Downsides.The body just seemed to want on going but thought processes veered from butterfly hyper-drive to almost total shut-down.
I am really glad the weather has been good and I have access to a garden. My place is definitely too small to keep a caged animal.
Saw my first bumble bee of the year.
Went for a walk to the shops lunchtime and body just wanted to keep on going. If it was down a country lane, a trail in the woods or along a windswept beach (no cliff paths), I may have gone with the flow, but didn’t see much point in walking through streets of houses.
Well no crash and burn, just a tapering off of the effects through late afternoon and early evening. By 8.00 pm I was actually relaxed enough and could concentrate enough to vege out in front of the TV.
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